'It takes a village' to create and nurture a special community.
In addition to the titles of Voice Actor and Patient Advocate, I have also been my neighborhood’s Social Director for over 25 years. Some of our past events include pool parties, scavenger hunts, pumpkin carving contests, pot lucks, music concerts, parades, progressive dinners, emergency preparedness demonstrations, competitive athletic games, making ornaments to bring to neighborhood senior citizens, community safety presentations, ice cream socials, and so much more. We’re gearing up for our next event, later this summer; another Pool Party!

Hard work brings big rewards
It might sound like a lot of work, and it is, but it is so rewarding. Bringing the community together, connecting with people of different ages and backgrounds, hearing parents share about how the events have made their kids’ lives better and then how the events have become part of their family’s traditions and memories, makes it all worth it.
Uplifting and supporting each other
Especially since the start of the Covid pandemic, just knowing that we aren’t alone, that we can support each other, we can help each other when needed, and uplift each other’s lives, is more important than ever.
I have lived in the same neighborhood for over 35 years. Many of my former neighbors have moved away, but I am still in contact with many of them. New people move in every year, although our turnover rate is quite low. When a house comes on the market, it is quite often sold within the first week. Usually at over asking price, so people who move here, really want to be here. Some have had their eye on my neighborhood for years, waiting for just the right house to come on the market.
Even with turnover, what has always stayed the same over all of these years is the sense of community and togetherness that is one of the many wonderful things that my neighborhood has come to known for. There is a saying that 'it takes a village' to raise a child. I would expand that even further to say that 'it takes a village' to create and nurture a special community. I may be at the helm, but it's all of my neighbors coming together, being willing to be vulnerable by just showing up, their willingness to bring treats, set-up and clean-up and oh, yes, to be open to accepting new people to the group, no matter what the age, background or current situation, that really makes my neighborhood a special one.