An acknowledgement can go a long way in making someone feel special.
I have a friend who refuses to let her husband buy her anything for Valentine's Day. What?!? Okay. I get it it. Sort of.
She feels like it shouldn't take a national group think day for him to be reminded to do something nice for her. I agree to a point. If Valentine's Day is the only day he brings her a little gift or flowers or candy, then okay. But really even then I would go ahead and take it! At least you were thought of that day. And I would have a talk with my 'significant other' about why they don't do this more often. I think some people don't even think about buying and presenting a little something because the other person should just know how they feel.

A special card.
As a kid on Valentine's Day, everyone that I knew always handed out the same type of card. The kind that were about three inches square, double sided with some generic or funny sentiment about the day, and often with an image of a currently popular Saturday morning cartoon character on it. Maybe even with a slightly snide remark. Not exactly anything to do with how you may or may not feel about the intended recipient. And so generic that all you had to do was to sign it and then write your classmate's name on the little envelope. Usually in pencil.
Back then, we didn't give out our Valentine's Day cards based on the teacher-provided class list that kids now get to ensure that everyone receives the same number of cards, so no one feels slighted or left out. Which is great idea. Because in my day, the popular kids got a lot of cards and the not-so-popular kids, well... didn't. Which seemed like a good idea if you were popular, but didn't make for a favorite day if you weren't popular. But because we all made and decorated our own 'mail pouches' no one else could see how many cards you did or didn't receive. But most of us kind of knew. Although, by February, everyone had a group that they were part of. And besides, the teacher always handed out cards to everyone, so no one ever completely went home empty-handed.
When I was in fourth grade, I received a beautiful, store bought, twice folded card on Valentine's Day. It was no where near the usual type of cards that kids give each other. It was about three times as big, had an image of a beautiful painting of a bouquet of richly colored flowers, lots of glitter and was printed on a type of paper that I had never seen before, which I now can describe as something like a machine-made vellum. I can't recall exactly what was written on the inside, except I do remember that it said something about the person liking me and it was signed, in pencil, "Your Secret Pal." or "Guess Who?" or something like that. I can't recall exactly but I do remember that was the most exquisite card I had ever seen, and it made me feel like I had never felt before.
Someone really liked me. More than just a let's-hang-out-on-the-playground kind of way, but in a slightly more grown-up way. I felt special.
A special feeling.
I still have that card, all these years later. I never did figure out who gave it to me. No one ever came forward and gave me any hints or outright asked me about it. I never caught anyone looking at me with a funny grin on their face. I was popular in grade school, so maybe the person who gave it to me just sort of blended in with my usual group of friends.
But it was the first time that I felt special, in a singled-out sort of way. Not like at my birthday parties where everyone was there for the reason to help me celebrate. Or my family doing special things for me. Or a close friend bringing me a souvenir from their family vacation. I look at Valentine's Day as a day to let someone know that they are special. Not saying that you can't do that any other day of the year or even every day of the year. And it doesn't have to be someone who you feel is special in a romantic way. Consider acknowledging a good friend in your life or even someone you admire. All qualify on Valentine's Day!
And who doesn't want to know that they are special?!?