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Embracing Serenity: The Gift of Peace at Home

I recently purchased new blinds for my living room. They are the honeycomb/cellular type that you can't see through. There are no slats to tilt to be able to moderate the incoming light. The blinds are either open or they are closed. I did splurge on the top down/bottom up variety, so within each of the three windows with the new coverings, I can decide if I want light, or no light, depending on the zone within the window. The previous blinds were the wooden slat type. I could adjust the amount of light coming in by pulling a cord to tilt the slats. But however much light I decided to let in, the entire window had to be that way. There were no zones. and, while I could decide to pull the slats up all the way, or have them partially raised, or lower them down all the way, they never quite blocked out the light completely and I always felt like I couldn't count on absolute privacy.

A white vase filled with pink flowers, set on a window sill in front of white slat type blinds.
Image courtesy of James Orr, Unsplash

Privacy in a Busy Neighborhood

Not that I was doing anything in my living room that called for absolute privacy, but I was always aware that if someone were to come right up next to the window, depending on how I had the slats positioned, I felt like a person could peer in. Where the house is set on the lot means that the front window is fairly close to the sidewalk. And living in an active neighborhood, in an area of the country that sees very favorable weather on the majority of days of the year, the sidewaIk in front of my house sees a lot of foot traffic. Both human and canine. And even with the slats closed up as tight as I could get them, I could always just kinda see if someone was walking past the house. And after living in my neighborhood for so long, I was just basically kinda nosy wanting to know who was out and about. It takes a lot of energy to be a busybody!

Abstract image of white linear patterns on a soft gray background, creating a minimalist and calming visual effect.
Image courtesy of @felipepelaquim, Unsplash

A Present to Myself

When my new blinds are closed, meaning top up and bottom down, I can't see anything through my living room windows! I have no awareness of any one, or any dog, strolling past my house, as long as they aren't making any noise.

At first that felt claustrophobic. But after an evening or two, I realized what a blessing it was to actually be able to shut out the outside world. Not only could I not see anyone walking by, I quickly realized that I didn't care who, or if anyone, was passing by my house.

Now when the sun goes down every evening, I am aware of what a gift I am presenting myself with. Peace of mind. I shut out the outside world, say good-bye to the day, and enjoy the serenity of just being in my house.

A house that I am so grateful for, especially as it is filled with my family who I love more than anything in the whole wide world.

Debra Elaine is a California-based Voice Actor and Medical Narrator delivering professional voice over from her home studio via ipDTL & Source Connect. Learn more >>


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