Coaching, training, listening, learning, actively auditioning and booking.
Even though I have been pursuing voice acting as a career for many years now, it's only recently that I have actively been looking for work. I signed up for two casting sites a while back but one sort of fell apart and didn't really deliver all that had been touted and the other one, while well-meaning, just hasn't gotten it's 'legs' yet. Earlier in the Fall I took a leap and signed up with two of the bigger casting sites. I have not been disappointed with the number, quality and compensation of the auditions.

Just give it a try.
I waited so long to kind of jump-into-the-water of these bigger sites, because I had been waiting to be 'good enough'. After so many years of coaching, training, listening and learning, I knew that I was in the ballpark. Not sure what I thought the signal was going to be for knowing that I was 'good enough', but I just knew that I wasn't there. Yet.
I didn't feel like taking the leap until I was strongly encouraged by one of my coaches to get out there and give it a try. I had heard for many years that the 'market' would let you know if you were ready to be hired and also, what genres you were good at. I have found this to be the case over the past months as I have been auditioning every weekday (and sometimes on weekends) through these two casting sites and also from auditions I receive through my agents and other groups I am associated with.
From 'good enough' to good!
What I am finding is that not only am I 'good enough' but that I am actually good! And seems as if Narration is what the market is telling me is a genre that suits my voice style and my delivery. I am learning this through not only booked work but also from the number of times I receive a thumbs-up (shortlisted for the job), notes from potential clients and traffic to my website directly from a casting site. It feels good to have finally come to this place in my voice acting journey.
While I will never stop coaching, training, listening and learning, I can now add 'actively auditioning' and 'booking' to my list of what I do as a working voice actor.